Grand Design
We really do live and breathe our school motto of ‘Inspire Every Pupil’.
To ensure current and future children continue to access the unique Amherst offer we need to focus on
the development of our buildings.
We have created a new flexible community space that will support the delivery of high quality teaching and learning, enrichment opportunities and expansion of the Breakfast and After School Clubs.
Secondly, we wish to replace the current Year 3 classrooms that require constant costly repairs.
Jubilee Building
Our new building was opened in September 2022. Our Breakfast Club and After School have a wonderful new home and we have gained a first class teaching space during the day.
If you would like to make a donation to our project - we kindly thank you in advance.
- For PARENTS please click on and select the DONATION - CAPITAL (Amherst Grand Designs)
- OTHERS, please contact our school office by email for bank details -