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Amherst School

Amherst School

School Meals

Since 2001 Amherst School has run its own in-house school kitchen - ASK Kitchen - having direct control of our own lunchtime catering. This has resulted in better and more appetising meals, using higher quality ingredients, with more fruit and vegetables and greater choice.



We have a variety of 5 meal options to choose from daily:

  • Main Meal
  • Vegetarian Option
  • Pasta
  • Bread
  • Potato 


All the above will be served with a side dish — consisting mainly of fresh cooked vegetables and/or salad.


Daily dessert as shown on the menu.


Fresh fruit, salad, homemade bread and water.


We hope to make this as easy as possible for you:

1. Meal patterns:

All meal patterns will still be set for the whole term – according to you and your child’s choice.

A typical meal pattern can look as follows:

SM – School Meal

PL – Packed Lunch


2. Payment should be made in ADVANCE.

You should pay for your school meals via SCHOOL GATEWAY ( on the Lunch Money Tab.

Costs are as follows:

Daily - £ 2.55

Weekly - £ 12.75

Termly amounts will be advised per letter.


3. Changes to meal patterns:

As usual, you are most welcome to email the school office with requests for meal pattern changes at the beginning of each term.




As we are a Junior School promoting independence, we would very much like children to make the choice of meal at the time of registration each morning. We will ensure that the current Menu will be visible in all classes.

We are using a wristband system for school lunches. Most children are familiar with this as it will be the same system that Riverhead Infants' School uses. 

There are 5 coloured bands representing meal choices:

These bands will stay in class and should NOT come home.

All of this will be explained to children in an assembly or by their class teacher.



CHILDREN with dietary requirements

If your child has a dietary requirement (e.g. Gluten Free / Dairy Free / Vegan) they will be given a black wristband to wear with their meal choice band in order to alert the kitchen.

We will be asking parents who have children with specific dietary needs, to book meals in advance via a hard copy print out of the menu – this will be supplied via email or your child’s book bag.

Your child will keep a copy of this in their desk and daily choose their meals according to the meals circled by yourselves.


Please note:

· We have a 3-week rotating menu.

· Current menus can be found by clicking on the BLUE menu to the right.

Please do not hesitate to contact the school office if you have any questions.